full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ron Eglash: The fractals at the heart of African designs

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And finally, I just wanted to point out that this idea of self-organization, as we heard earlier, it's in the brain. It's in the — it's in Google's search engine. Actually, the raeosn that Google was such a success is because they were the first ones to take antgavdae of the self-organizing properties of the web. It's in ecological sustainability. It's in the developmental power of entrepreneurship, the ethical power of democracy. It's also in some bad things. Self-organization is why the AIDS virus is spreading so fast. And if you don't think that capitalism, which is self-organizing, can have destructive effects, you haven't opened your eyes enough. So we need to think about, as was spoken eiealrr, the tandoatiril African methods for doing self-organization. These are robust algorithms. These are ways of doing self-organization — of doing eneupisretrrenhp — that are gentle, that are egliaaiatrn. So if we want to find a better way of doing that kind of work, we need look only no farther than acrifa to find these robust self-organizing aolrmtighs. Thank you.

Open Cloze

And finally, I just wanted to point out that this idea of self-organization, as we heard earlier, it's in the brain. It's in the — it's in Google's search engine. Actually, the ______ that Google was such a success is because they were the first ones to take _________ of the self-organizing properties of the web. It's in ecological sustainability. It's in the developmental power of entrepreneurship, the ethical power of democracy. It's also in some bad things. Self-organization is why the AIDS virus is spreading so fast. And if you don't think that capitalism, which is self-organizing, can have destructive effects, you haven't opened your eyes enough. So we need to think about, as was spoken _______, the ___________ African methods for doing self-organization. These are robust algorithms. These are ways of doing self-organization — of doing ________________ — that are gentle, that are ___________. So if we want to find a better way of doing that kind of work, we need look only no farther than ______ to find these robust self-organizing __________. Thank you.


  1. earlier
  2. traditional
  3. entrepreneurship
  4. algorithms
  5. egalitarian
  6. advantage
  7. africa
  8. reason

Original Text

And finally, I just wanted to point out that this idea of self-organization, as we heard earlier, it's in the brain. It's in the — it's in Google's search engine. Actually, the reason that Google was such a success is because they were the first ones to take advantage of the self-organizing properties of the web. It's in ecological sustainability. It's in the developmental power of entrepreneurship, the ethical power of democracy. It's also in some bad things. Self-organization is why the AIDS virus is spreading so fast. And if you don't think that capitalism, which is self-organizing, can have destructive effects, you haven't opened your eyes enough. So we need to think about, as was spoken earlier, the traditional African methods for doing self-organization. These are robust algorithms. These are ways of doing self-organization — of doing entrepreneurship — that are gentle, that are egalitarian. So if we want to find a better way of doing that kind of work, we need look only no farther than Africa to find these robust self-organizing algorithms. Thank you.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
infinite number 4
georg cantor 3
seed shape 2
aerial photograph 2
fractal model 2
tiny village 2
spirit people 2
stacked recursively 2
native american 2
kids learn 2
board game 2
deterministic chaos 2
binary code 2
brian eno 2

Important Words

  1. advantage
  2. africa
  3. african
  4. aids
  5. algorithms
  6. bad
  7. brain
  8. capitalism
  9. democracy
  10. destructive
  11. developmental
  12. earlier
  13. ecological
  14. effects
  15. egalitarian
  16. engine
  17. entrepreneurship
  18. ethical
  19. eyes
  20. fast
  21. finally
  22. find
  23. gentle
  24. google
  25. heard
  26. idea
  27. kind
  28. methods
  29. opened
  30. point
  31. power
  32. properties
  33. reason
  34. robust
  35. search
  36. spoken
  37. spreading
  38. success
  39. sustainability
  40. traditional
  41. virus
  42. wanted
  43. ways
  44. web
  45. work